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November 25, 2008 10:13 PM UTC

Front Page Editor Election Tomorrow

  • by: Colorado Pols

SUNDAY UPDATE: we will be holding an election for two new front-page editors tomorrow, December 1st. The new editors will start around December 15th, and barring anything unexpected will hold their position for six months–at which time we’ll hold another election. There will be two polls, one for the Democrat nominees and one for Republicans.

Here is your final roster of candidates:

Democratic Party

Danny the Red (hair)


Middle of the Road


* DavidThi808 declined to run again, and RedGreen has other obligations.

Republican Party

Laughing Boy

Haners (incumbent)

* NEWSMAN withdraws with some defiant wit, throws support to incumbent, calls candidate Laughing Boy “the Joe Lieberman of Colorado Pols.”

We have received a couple of emails wondering about the potential that some people holding multiple accounts will be able to unfairly influence the outcome of tomorrow’s election. Don’t worry, we sued the inquiring parties in federal court and put a stop to their deplorable attempt to cast doubt on the validity of these likely Democratic voters.


59 thoughts on “Front Page Editor Election Tomorrow

    1. considering I’ve never actually written a diary on this site, I can’t imagine why I’d want front-page status. I prefer being down here among the rabble. Appreciate the nomination though.

      1. Danny the Red (hair) (3-1)

        Has the talent, but has he greased the right skids?

        redstateblues (7-1)

        Experience counts, but not THAT much.

        Middle of the Road (5-1)

        Running a solid campaign, but it may not be enough.

        ThillyWabbit (15-1)

        Would be an excellent candidate if Danny the Red dropped out.

        RedGreen (8-1)

        This just isn’t his year. Try again in 2009.

        sxp151 (100-1)

        Tee hee hee

        Laughing Boy (2-1)

        The favorite, but has he made too many enemies?

        NEWSMAN (10-1)

        Running just to remind us that he’s here.

        Haners (incumbent) (3-1)

        Could attract a strong protest vote from sufimarie and Jambalaya

        (Note: most of these are pretty much random.)

            1. We don’t need 26 of ’em, but there should be a more formal vetting process, complete with gotcha questions and wandering around the stage. It wouldn’t be a fair election without ’em!

              Seriously (or less seriously), I’m going to have to thank both of my supporters and beg off. And not only because sxp151 assigns my candidacy such long-shot odds. I’m actually contractually prohibited from posting diaries on Pols, to an extent, although free to comment, which I intend to continue doing regularly.

              And, like Bill Richardson, I plan to throw my endorsement to one of the front-runners at a crucial point in hopes of winning a cabinet post.

        1. …but do I get to vote for 2 people?  Oh, I guess I will just to be safe…….maybe I’ll vote for 3 people to be extra safe!  Safety is my motto.

  1. He is a normal human being, balanced, although sometimes a bit confused by his alliance to the Right.  That’s alright; we are all here to set him straight.  Even if he does yell back at you.

    His only big blunder is his support of Sarah Palin; I have no idea what that is all about! Anyway, he brings good stuff to Pols and promotes one to think about the bigger picture.

    Redstatesblue, another personal favorite, although sometimes confused by his alliance to the Left (I already used that line didn’t I, never mind). He is the Change We Can Believe In (wait, I have heard that before, never mind)

    Danny the Red, smart, articulate, balanced.  Even though he has issues supporting the right Congressional candidates, overall he gets it.

    Congrats to all!

    1. If only Republicans voted for the Republican representative, that would hurt him, but with all the “Operation Chaos” Democrats crossing over to support their RINO “reach across the aisle” Obamian traitor, he is a shoe in.

      I will not be a Huckabee,

      I withdraw and endorse “Mitt” Haners, The “Real” Republican !

      Laughing Boy, is the Joe Lieberman of CO. Pol’s.


  2. My apologies if I buried the lede in an above post, but I’m unable to run this time. I also feel there are many strong candidates and that Pols will be well served by any eventual outcome. We’re keeping any unspent campaign funds with the intention to roll them over into a future race, as yet uncontemplated. Thank you so much, and may God bless the United States of America.

      1. You (and you, and you, and you! all your various accounts!) are now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history on this site, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy. I just can’t be part of that.

          1. …that b*tch gots crazy to spare.  

            Sufi and I try to avoid appearing at the same parties, so as not to suck up all the oxygen in the room.  I expect to be rewarded for my mercy.

    1. for any “midnight” regulations you impose and those last-minute pardons. (You know, don’t you, that you have the power to reinstate banned Polsters? Use the power wisely, David. Use it wisely.)

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